Курси для PHP-програмістів: реєстрація на 9-ий курс

Career NOV 2, 2021

Transoftgroup розпочинає безкоштовний курс поглибленого вивчення РНР з перспективою працевлаштування в нашій компанії.

Початок навчання запланований на 15 листопада.
Лекції проходитимуть в онлайн-форматі.
У програмі курсу:
1. Базові поняття мови PHP;
2. Strings (Рядки);
3. Керуючі конструкції;
4. Arrays (Масиви) ;
5. Функції;
6. Робота з файлами;
7. Принципи об'єктно-орієнтованого програмування (ООП);
8. Робота з БД.
Тривалість курсу — 3 місяці.
Лекції відбуватимуться один раз в тиждень по 60 хв у післяробочий час.
Найкращі студенти мають можливість продовжити співпрацю з нами і почати свою кар'єру в TSG.
Зареєструватися на курс можна за
Додаткова інформація за номером: +380 (99) 757 18 46.

The end of the 1st online PHP course: getting the certificates

Career JUN 29, 2021

4 months of training - that's how long our free online course on in-depth study of PHP lasted.

The program was planned for 17 lectures and consisted of:

1. In-depth study of OOP

2. SOLID principles

3. Patterns. Antipaterns

57 candidates were selected for training: 26 – students who enrolled on the site, and 31 are students of the Mathematics Faculty of Uzhgorod National University.

8 participants showed the best results and received certificates of successful completion of the course. And soon one of the
students will join our team and start working in the programming department.

The start date of the next course is not yet known, but you already have the opportunity to fill out the application form.

Additional information is available by calling: +380 (50) 333 09 40

TranSoftGroup has launched the first online PHP course

Career FEB 19, 2021

We started free online PHP course with the prospect of employment at our company. 57 candidates were chosen, of which 26 filled out the questionnaire on the website, and 31 are the students of the Faculty of Mathematics of Uzhgorod National University. It's also worth to mention that Transoftgroup signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Uzhhorod National University in October last year.

Yesterday the students had the first lecture on "Basic concepts of PHP" . The training is designed for 17 lectures. Online meetings take place once a week during non-working hours.

In the course program:

1. In-depth study of OOP.

2. Working with databases.

3. Security in the PHP.

If you did not have time to register for this course, you have the opportunity to fill out a questionnaire for the next course following the link.

Follow the details of the start of the upcoming PHP course on the site and our social networks.

Additional information: +380 (50) 333 09 40.