On the 21st of April there was a first lecture in our company’s office.
25 mukachevians has registered to offline hub, we’ll be meeting with them over a period of 12 weeks. This is the time that the course lasts for on Prometheus website.Before the first lecture students met Victor Menzul, the director of TranSoftGroup company. He wished all the students success in mastering a new subject and spoke about the prospects of the profession.It should be noted that during several months 55000 Ukrainians registered for the Harvard’s CS50 "introduction to computer science".
Additional Information:
CS50 (Computer Science 50) course from Harvard University is considered to be the best course on the basics of programming in the world. Its legendary status is affirmed by the fact that in 2015 YaleUniversity refused its own introductory programming course for first-year students for the benefit of CS50. As of 2015, offline version of CS50 is the most popular among elective courses at HarvardUniversity. The course is intended both for beginners and those students who already have a little starting experience in programming.